We like to think that we’re special. One of a kind. But that’s not necessarily the case. At least when it comes to our appearance.
With around 8 billion people currently living on our planet, it’s quite safe to say that we all have a double (or doppelganger) out there somewhere. We’ve seen this happen many times before and it looks like there’s been a glitch in the Matrix, and genes are getting copy-pasted left and right.
For example, remember the time this Afghan lookalike of Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) was discovered?
And this Afghan talent show singer who found fame as Justin Trudeau’s double?
But there is one thing we have been missing all along
Our very own Ajab Gul, a pashto movie actor who looks so much like Tom Cruise, the resemblence is almost uncanny
You know maybe I’ve fallen too deep into the obsession of stalking movie stars lately. But, I legit came to think he is Tom Cruise’s doppelganger.
I mean.. just look at Ajab Gul
For a moment, I thought maybe I need to get my eyesight checked or maybe this self-isolation is making me go crazy but I really think that these two handsome hunks look like twins who got separated at birth.
Like it’s scary and uncanny how similar they look. Like they’re not even trying.
Look at the tough looks that he’s giving
And some romantic ones, too, wouldn’t you want to Jerry this McGuire?
Driven by my curiosity, I even did a little search on Twitter and found out I’m not the only one who Ajab Gul is Pashto film industry’s anser to Tom Cruise:
Someone even said he looks like Tom Cruise and Junaid Jamshed had a baby lmao
Well, I don’t know about y’all but I’m definitely convinced that they’re each other’s doppelganger. Please tell me, I’m not the only one who thinks he is his long-lost twin.