Advertise with PashtoScoop
PashtoScoop is the leading independent digital media company focused on Pashtuns around the world. We help brands connect with a young, culture-centered, and bold audience by making and publishing content they will watch and act on.
Over the past year, PashtoScoop has upended the pashtun social media by emphasizing diverse story- telling and content that delivers refreshing new perspectives to its audience and drives growth across numerous platforms for its partners.
Advertise with PashtoScoop
PashtoScoop is the leading independent digital media company focused on Pashtuns around the world. We help brands connect with a young, culture-centered, and bold audience by making and publishing content they will watch and act on.
Over the past year, PashtoScoop has upended the pashtun social media by emphasizing diverse story- telling and content that delivers refreshing new perspectives to its audience and drives growth across numerous platforms for its partners.