About PashtoScoop Community - PashtoScoop

PashtoScoop Community is the home for interesting posts created and curated by our contributors. If you like to share your opinion about , humor, cool stuff you’ve found on the internet, personality and trivia quizzes, and the occasional ode to the famed Pashtun history, then this is the place for you!

To become a part of PashtoScoop’s Community, all you need to do is sign up for an account and submit your post! If the post you submit is good or orignal or interesting or fun or some awsome combination of those four, our editors will feature it on the PashtoScoop Community page.

Please refer to our Community Rules before joining our community.

Got questions? We’ve got answers!

What is PashtoScoop Community?

PashtoScoop Community is a hub for our contributors to generate relevant and engaging content that people love. Whether it’s an appreciation post about the Pashtun culture, a personality quiz, or just something that speaks to your identity, we’d be happy to see it! Once you submit your post, our team of editors will check out your post and publish it on the site under your name, if they like it.

How do I Sign up?

That’s easy peasy lemon squeezy! Just click here to sign up and you are in! Just note, once you pick a username, you can’t change it later, so pick a good one! 😎

How do I create and submit a post?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Click here for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to create awesome posts for PashtoScoop community. And if you’re interested to see what type of content we’re looking for and how to go viral, check out the featured posts on our homepage.

Please remember to respect other content creators’ intellectual property rights; you may only post orignal content that you own or curated content that you have permission to use. And always make sure to provide proper credit to the original creator. You can find some helpful photo resources here. 🤗

How do I create a quiz?

Quizzes are our favorite; they’re super fun, engaging, and pretty easy to make! If there is a quiz you’d like to go on our website, whether it’s about your favorite movie character, a TV show you love, or just about your group of friends, you can now create it by your own and post it on PashtoScoop.

We have a detailed guide about making Polls, Personality quizzes, and Trivia quizzes so please refer to that for help!

What are ‘Points’ and Points Balance?

Each member on our website has their own points balance. You’ll earn Points every time you perfom specific actions on the website, like viewing articles (while logged in), voting posts, or when one of your submitted posts gets featured or gains specific number of views et cetera. The more views your posts get, the more points you earn!

Current vs. Total Balance

Each user has two balances for each point type they gain: Current balance and Total balance.

Your current balance is the amount of points that you have right now. Your total balance is the total number of points you have gained based of your points history. Learn more here.

What are ‘Badges’?

Community Badges a visual token of achievement. Badges are awarded automatically as you gain or lose points.

While ranks are based on your balance, badges are based on your points history, like the number of times a user has gained points from approved submissions or based on the total number of views your posts has gained.

What are ‘Ranks’?

Ranks are assigned based on your point balance. While Badges are awarded for specific point related events, Ranks are assigned based on a users balance alone. This means that as you gain more and more points, you earn a higher and higher Rank.

My links and/or embedded media isn’t showing up in my post, even though it showed up in my draft. Khair sha?

Well, that’s awkward! You just got caught up in our self-promotion and spam filter. Khair, you don’t need to fret though! We will review the post (usually within 24 hours) after being taken down. Please be patient — we will fix it as soon as we can!

My post and/or account seems to be missing. Da wale?

Your account was most likely removed because it violated our Community Rules or PashtoScoop’s Terms and Conditions. Please note that once your account is removed for violating the Community Rules or Terms of Use, we may not reinstate the posts associated with it. You should keep copies of your community submissions if you want to retain them.

Where are the Community guidelines for what I can and can’t do with Community?

We want everyone to have a good time on Community, so we do have some rules we ask that you abide by. You can check those rules out on our Community Rules page. These rules are important because your account may be deleted if you do not follow them.

Thanks so much for being a part of the PashtoScoop Community! If you have any questions, you can contact us here, or reach out to us personally! Mina ao manana!