How to handle bullies and insults


Here Are 4 Ways That Can Help You Deal With Insults And Put-Downs

3 min


Like it or not, you will be badmouthed by a loved one, or a stranger now or then at-least a few times in a lifetime. Or if you get lucky (which I don’t think someone ever has), you will but face insults at-least once in your lifetime.

An insult from a loved one is easier to tackle with than by a stranger. An insulter may act like he’s bullying or he may tease your look, what you wear, your color, your religion, and where you came from or the way you talk. If someone insults you then if you’re emotionally weak you may wished to be someone else but emotionally strong people know how to handle the insult and the insulter in a humors way or sarcastic way.

Not single person on this planet can take insult or want to be insulted so whenever you talk to someone just please don’t say insult and be polite and respect their personal space.


Insult come from people who just don’t like anyone different than they are, or lack something better to say or do. There are four easy steps to handle the insult as a pro.

  1. Show Anger
  2. Try Sarcasm
  3. Don’t reply back
  4. Upbraid the Insulter

Here are a few tips that might help when trying handle the insults or the insulter itself. I hope this comes handy the next time someone insults you.



Anger is one of the week response while dealing with an insult or during a fierce discussion, and this for three main reasons:

  • It shows that we take the insult, and therefore the insulter, seriously.
  • It suggests that there may be some truth in the insult.
  • It upsets and destabilizes us, which, apart from being unpleasant, can invite further insults.



George Bernard Shaw, it is said, once invited Winston Churchill to his new play. The invitation read: “I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend—if you have one.” Churchill replied: “Cannot possibly attend the first night; will attend second—if there is one.”

Here is a third example, just for the fun: “Thank you for explaining that my eye cancer isn’t going to make me deaf. I feel so fortunate that an intellectual giant like yourself would deign to operate on me.”
– John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

Humour, if successful, can be an especially effective response, for three main reasons:

  • It undercuts the insulter and his or her insult.
  • It brings any third parties on the side.
  • It diffuses the tension of the situation.



If you think that the person who insulted you are unworthy of your consideration you have no reason to take offense just as you have no reason to take offense at a naughty child or a barking dog, if someone insulted you and you insult them back then it brings you down to their level of cheapness.



Ignoring the insult works well with strangers but may not be a sensible or viable strategy when it comes to people with whom we have an ongoing personal or professional relationship. In such cases, it may be preferable to “have a quiet word” (quiet, but firm) in a bid to reassert our boundaries.

Let me explain. To create a healthy sense of personal or professional space, we tend to set certain physical and psychological boundaries. It is vital to be clear about where these boundaries lie, and, like with puppy training, to reassert them every time they are crossed. This can require a lot of effort, and sometimes courage too, but, if done from the beginning, is usually very effective, and very quickly so.

In closing, we need never take offense at an insult. Offense exists not in the insult but our reaction to it, and our reactions are completely within our control. It is unreasonable to expect a boor to be anything but a boor; if we take offense at his bad behavior, we have only ourselves to blame.

Stasu Raaye